共8篇1. Use of elevated pressure to promote the difference in permeability of Adriamycin and hematoporphyrin between neoplastic and normal lung cells. 133-7页
作者:S S,Brody; L,Stelzig; M,Rich
3. EPR spectroscopic analysis of binding sites of a cancerostatic agent on erythrocyte membranes. 169-78页
作者:G,Lassmann; A,Herrmann; Z,Raikov; P,Müller
4. A novel method of protein analysis for prediction of biological function: application to tumor toxins. 139-48页
作者:V,Veljković; I,Cosić
5. Further studies on migration and colonization of leukemic lymphoblasts in AKR and HSS inbred mice. 149-54页
6. DMBA induced DNA damage and repair in mammary epithelial cells in vitro measured by a nick translation assay. 127-32页
作者:K,Manoharan; D,Kinder; M R,Banerjee