共9篇1. The receptor for IgG on human normal and chronic myeloid leukemic granulocytes: functional and biochemical characterization. 235-45页
作者:N V,Shirsat; S M,Zingde; S H,Advani; B P,Gothoskar
2. The enhanced association of keratin with hepatoma cell nuclei. 207-17页
作者:A L,Burkhardt; J L,Woodcock-Mitchell; J J,Mitchell; J F,Chiu
3. Effects of the anticancer agent VM-26 on hexose uptake in Ehrlich cells. 185-96页
作者:S E,Wright; J C,White
4. The effect of bispecific monoclonal antibody recognizing both hepatoma-specific membrane glycoprotein and anthracycline drugs on the metastatic growth of hepatoma AH66. 247-56页
作者:Y,Tsukada; K,Ohkawa; N,Hibi; K,Tsuzuki; K,Oguma; H,Satoh
5. Synthesis and release of glycoconjugates in vitro by human ovarian carcinoma cells isolated from effusions. 219-26页
作者:H J,Allen; M,Gamarra; M S,Piver; E A,Johnson
6. Induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase and DNA adduct formation in parental and carcinogen transformed C3H/10T1/2 clone 8 cells by benzo[a]pyrene. 197-205页
作者:M B,Faletto; A E,Maccubbin; P L,Koser; J A,Vangalio; H L,Gurtoo
7. The respiratory behavior of Lewis carcinoma cells--existence of a cyanide-resistant respiration. 227-33页
作者:M,Miralpeix; S,Rivera; J M,Argilés; J,Azcón-Bieto