共24篇·Clinical Observation
1. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of ESKAPE and Escherichia coli isolated from blood at a tertiary hospital in China 2250-2252页
2. Prognostic value of admission hyperglycemia on outcomes of thrombolysis in ischemic stroke patients with or without diabetes 2244-2246页
作者:Fang Hong-JuanPan Yue-SongWang Yong-JunWang Chun-XueWang Yi-LongZhong Li-Yong
3. High prevalence of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in seven Chinese patients with cystathionine β-synthase deficiency 2247-2249页
5. Clinical efficacy of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in cardiogenic shock patients: a multi-center study 2242-2243页
作者:Dai Qing-QingLiu YanRen Yu-DongYu Kai-JiangWang Hong-Liang
6. Rapidly organize redeployed medical staff in coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: what we should do 2143-2145页
·Review Article
8. Neonatal sepsis: within and beyond China 2219-2228页
作者:Dong YingBasmaci RomainTitomanlio LuigiSun BoMercier Jean-Christophe
9. Progress of mechanical power in the intensive care unit 2197-2204页
10. Induction and deduction in sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy: five typical categories 2205-2211页
作者:Wang JieWang Xiao-TingLiu Da-WeiZhang Hong-MinSu Long-Xiang
·Original Article
11. Role of immunodeficiency in Acinetobacter baumannii associated pneumonia in mice 2161-2169页
作者:Liu Ai-RanDu Wen-JingXie Jian-FengXu Jing-YuanHuang Ying-ZiQiu Hai-BoYang Yi
12. Prognostic value of free triiodothyronine in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy 2170-2176页
作者:Zhao Hong-YanSun LingZhu Ye-QianChen Qiu-ShiZhu Wen-WuToorabally Mohammad BilaalChen Xin-GuangZhang Feng-Xiang
15. Time of dissociation between microcirculation, macrocirculation, and lactate levels in a rabbit model of early endotoxemic shock 2153-2160页
作者:Zhang HongLi LeiWu JunQu Hong-PingTang Yao-QingChen De-Chang
·Technical Notes
16. Application of a modified infratemporal fossa type B approach to the resection of lateral skull base tumors 2256-2258页
17. Focus on coronavirus disease 2019 associated coagulopathy 2239-2241页
作者:Yang Xiang-HongLi Ran-RanSun Ren-HuaLiu JiaoChen De-Chang
·Year in Review
18. Systemic lupus erythematosus: year in review 2019 2189-2196页
19. Validation of a Chinese translation of the identification of functional ankle instability questionnaire 2261-2262页
20. Diffuse infiltrative hemangioma of pancreas accompanied by Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome: A case report 2263-2265页
21. Yang xin shi tablet enhances adaptability to exercise training by relieving statin-induced skeletal muscle injury 2266-2268页
作者:Wu Ruo-MingJiang BingLi HuiDang Wen-ZhenZhang CongZhong Xiao-ZhengHong YiYe GuanShen Xiao-Yan