共22篇·Review Article
2. Resuscitation fluids as drugs: targeting the endothelial glycocalyx 137-144页
作者:Wang GuangjianZhang HongminLiu DaweiWang XiaotingChinese Critical Ultrasound Study Group
·Systematic Review
3. Reinfection rates among patients previously infected by SARS-CoV-2: systematic review and meta-analysis 145-152页
·Meta Analysis
·Original Article
5. Chylous ascites has a higher incidence after robotic surgery and is associated with poor recurrence-free survival after rectal cancer surgery 164-171页
作者:Wang XiaojieZheng ZhifangChen MinHuang ShenghuiLu XingrongHuang YingChi Pan
6. Acute kidney injury following adult lung transplantation 172-180页
作者:Jing LeiChen WenhuiZhao LiGuo LijuanLiang ChaoyangChen JingyuWang Chen
7. Predictive value of hypothermic machine perfusion parameters combined perfusate biomarkers in deceased donor kidney transplantation 181-186页
作者:Qiao YuxiDing ChenguangLi YangTian XiaohuiTian PuxunDing XiaomingXiang HeliZheng JinXue Wujun
8. Usefulness of the CONUT index upon hospital admission as a potential prognostic indicator of COVID-19 health outcomes 187-193页
作者:Bengelloun Adrián K.Ortega Guillermo J.Ancochea JulioSanz-Garcia AncorRodríguez-Serrano Diego A.Fernández-Jiménez GuillermoGirón Rosaávalos ElenaSoriano Joan B.de Ulíbarri J. Ignacio
9. Interferon-gamma inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase bright cancer stem cells in the 4T1 mouse model of breast cancer 194-204页
作者:Zhuang XiufenShi GuilanHu XiaoWang HuiruSun WenWu Yanhong
10. CX3C-chemokine receptor 1 modulates cognitive dysfunction induced by sleep deprivation 205-215页
作者:Xin JiaweiWang ChaoCheng XiaojuanXie ChangfuZhang QiuyangKe YilangHuang XuanyuChen XiaochunPan Xiaodong
·Clinical Observation
11. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis associated with circulating autoantibodies: a Chinese cohort of a long-term follow-up study 216-218页
作者:Wang HuiChen HaoranLiu YinYan XinGao YujuanCai HourongDai Jinghong
13. Non-cerebral vasospasm factors and cerebral vasospasm predict delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 222-224页
作者:Chen YueLi GuanminChen XiaoyongWang DengliangFang WenhuaKang DezhiDing Chenyu
14. Relationships between SLC26A7 expressions and extra-thyroid metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma 225-227页
·Technical Notes
15. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with femoral direct fiber insertion: a novel technique 231-233页
作者:Xiang XianxiangChen RongjinLi RuixinGong JueYang JiangLi ChunhuiWang Weiming
16. Platelet donor database: a study on the specialist donor database for the patients with alloimmune thrombocytopenia in the Chinese population and the assessment of completeness 234-236页
作者:Li LilanZhong ZhoulinZhou YanLi HengcongLu FangJiang LihongChen JierunWu Guoguang
18. Coagulation disorders in patients with abnormal serum cortisol level 240-242页
作者:Liu YifanYang TianruiYao YongFeng MingWan MengyaoFeng ShanshanLiu XiaohaiDeng KanXing BingLu LinZhu HuijuanWang RenzhiBao Xinjie
19. Therapeutic potential of bright light therapy for the non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease 243-244页
作者:Shen YunGong SiyiLiu YuluLi JieXiong KangpingMao ChengjieWang YaliLi DanWang FenHu HuaLiu Chunfeng