共22篇·Review Article
1. Delineating asthma according to inflammation phenotypes with a focus on paucigranulocytic asthma 1513-1522页
2. Immune checkpoint inhibitors for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer brain metastases 1523-1531页
·Meta Analysis
3. Risk of second primary lung cancer in patients with thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis based on big population studies 1532-1538页
4. Influence of patellofemoral joint degeneration on clinical outcomes after medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty 1539-1550页
作者:Wu LiminChen QuanSi HaiboWu YuangangZeng YiLi MingyangLiu YuanShen Bin
5. Superiority of sugammadex in preventing postoperative pulmonary complications 1551-1559页
作者:Liu HaibeiLuo RongCao ShuangjiaoZheng BixingYe LingZhang Wensheng
6. Dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome 1560-1562页
作者:Zhao QingSun LeleSun YonghuNaisbitt DeanLiu HongZhang Furen
7. Targeting senescent dermal fibroblasts responsible for hyperactive melanocytes in melasma 1563-1565页
·Original Article
8. Effect of inferior vena cava respiratory variability-guided fluid therapy after laparoscopic hepatectomy: a randomized controlled clinical trial 1566-1572页
作者:Ji JingjingMa QianTian YaliShi XueduoChen LuningZhu XinhuaYu DecaiQiu YudongLi Bingbing
10. Global burden and trends of lung cancer incidence and mortality 1583-1590页
作者:Li ChaoLei ShaoyuanDing LiXu YanWu XiaonanWang HuiZhang ZijinGao TingZhang YongqiangLi Lin
11. Severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a risk factor for developing hypertension from prehypertension 1591-1597页
作者:Song QiruiLing QianhuiFan LuyunDeng YueGao QiannanYang RuixueChen ShuohuaWu ShoulingCai Jun
12. Projected burden of stroke in China through 2050 1598-1605页
作者:Yao MinghongRen YanJia YulongXu JiayueWang YuningZou KangSun Xin
13. High mobility group box 1 levels as potential predictors of asthma severity 1606-1608页
作者:Xu ShuanglanLiu WeihuaZhang LiuchaoHe QuanMa ChenhuiJiang JingxianYe ShengGe LinyangChen ZiZhou Linfu
14. Prognostic impact of the controlling nutritional status score in Chinese patients undergoing cardiac surgery 1609-1611页
15. Identification of novel candidate genes in East Asian COPD patients by the functional summary-based imputation and the unified test for molecular signatures: a transcriptome-wide association study 1612-1614页
作者:Tian YeShan ShufangBao QixueZhou SiquanJiang XiaWang MengqiaoYin ShuXiong JingyuanCheng Guo
16. Bronchoscopic transparenchymal nodule access in the diagnosis and management of pulmonary nodules 1615-1617页
作者:Zhang QunchengWu XuanYang HuizhenSun YaWang ZiqiYang LiWei NanZhang YihuaYang YuanjianZhao XingruHerth Felix JFZhang Xiaoju
17. Analysis of prevailing pertussis strains from different regions in China after the application of acellular vaccines 1618-1620页
作者:Liu YaminJiang BeiGuo YuGao YuanQian JingQie ChunhuaShao ZhujunLi YingWu Qi
18. Pre-coronavirus disease 2019 brain structure might be associated with social anxiety alterations during the pandemic 1621-1623页
作者:Zhang XunLi QingyuanYang XunPan NanfangSuo XuelingHe MinWang SongKemp Graham J.Gong Qiyong
19. Exercise intervention during pregnancy induces DNA methylation alterations in maternal blood and cord blood 1624-1626页
20. Coronavirus disease 2019 vaccines: challenges of using global mass vaccination to achieve herd immunity 1627-1629页
作者:Bao PengtaoGong JiuyuMu MiQue YifanHu PengLuo JiangChang ChristopherXu Guogang