共21篇·Consensus Statement
·Review Article
2. Osteoimmunology research in rheumatoid arthritis: From single-cell omics approach 1642-1652页
作者:Hu NanWang JingJu BomiaoLi YuanyuanFan PingJin XinxinKang XiaominWu Shufang
3. Copper homeostasis dysregulation promoting cell damage and the association with liver diseases 1653-1662页
·Meta Analysis
·Original Article
5. Construction and evaluation of the functional polygenic risk score for gastric cancer in a prospective cohort of the European population 1671-1679页
作者:Gu YuanliangYan CaiwangWang TianpeiHu BeipingZhu MengJin Guangfu
6. Textbook outcome in gallbladder carcinoma after curative-intent resection: a 10-year retrospective single-center study 1680-1689页
作者:Li QiLiu HengchaoGao QiXue FengFu JialuLi MengkeYuan JiaweiChen ChenZhang DongGeng Zhimin
8. Predicting survival and prognosis of postoperative breast cancer brain metastasis: a population-based retrospective analysis 1699-1707页
9. Changes in early postoperative outcomes and complications observed in a single center during the 2022 COVID-19 pandemic wave in China: A single-center ambispective cohort study 1708-1718页
作者:Wang LiniZheng ZiyuZhu ShouqiangLuo GangGao BaobaoMa YumeiXu ShuaiDong HailongLei Chong
10. H19 recruited N 6-methyladenosine (m 6A) reader YTHDF1 to promote SCARB1 translation and facilitate angiogenesis in gastric cancer 1719-1731页
作者:Bai RumengSun MiaomiaoChen YuanyuanZhuo ShuaishuaiSong GuoxinWang TianjunZhang Zhihong
11. Remission of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis after radiotherapy in a patient with comorbid small cell lung cancer 1732-1734页
作者:Xiang YongboLi WeiWang ZhijieWang JianyangXu XinWang LuhuaBi Nan
12. Methodological and reporting quality of comprehensive hypertension guidelines published between 2017 and 2022 1735-1737页
作者:Wang ZijunLou YingLiu YunlanZhao JunxianSu RenfengSun YajiaLiu HuiShi QianlingCai JunChen Yaolong
13. Association between inflammation, body mass index, and long-term outcomes in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: A large cohort study 1738-1740页
作者:Zeng GuyuYuan DeshanJia SidaWang PeizhiRu LiuLi TianyuZhang CeZhao XueyanLei SongGao LijianChen JueYang YuejinQiao ShubinGao RunlinBo XuYuan Jinqing
14. Analysis of risk factors associated with primary bile reflux: A multicenter cross-sectional study 1741-1743页
作者:Dong QiangLi SongboChen ShashaQu XiaodongZhao XingyuLi YaniWang ShashaShi Yongquan
15. Prognostic value of the Second Revision of the International Staging System (R2-ISS) in a real-world cohort of patients with newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma 1744-1746页
作者:Yan WenqiangFan HuishouXu JingyuLiu JiahuiLi LingnaDu ChenxingDeng ShuhuiSui WeiweiXu YanZou DehuiQiu LuguiAn Gang
16. Occurrence, risk factors, and microbiology of surgical site infections after total knee arthroplasty: preliminary results of a retrospective study 1747-1749页
作者:Xu YimingWang YingjieZhu WeiFeng BinLyu ZehuiBian YixinWeng Xisheng
17. METTL1 gene polymorphisms and Wilms tumor susceptibility in Chinese children: A five-center case-control study 1750-1752页
作者:Deng LinqingHua RuixiZhang ZhengtaoZhu JinhongZhang JiaoCheng JiwenLi SuhongZhou HaixiaLiu GuochangHe JingFu Wen
18. Structured nutrition and advanced carbohydrate counting questionnaire for adult type 1 diabetes 1753-1755页
作者:Huang FansuJi XiaolinXie YutingLi JuanLi XiaZhou Zhiguang
19. Interaction between OCT1 and LPIN1 polymorphisms and response to pioglitazone-metformin tablets in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome 1756-1758页
作者:Zeng HaixiaHuang YantingLiu DengkeXie TianqinChen ZhengHuang QiulanZhou XiaojunLai XiaoyangLiu Jianping