共26篇·Consensus Statement
1. Clinical practice guidelines for neoadjuvant therapy in patients with early-stage breast cancer: Chinese Society of Breast Surgery practice guidelines 2022 1387-1388页
作者:Zhang JuliangWang TingWang ZheFan JingXu XiaolongKong JingWen XinxinLing RuiLiu Yinhua
·Review Article
2. Disulfiram: A novel repurposed drug for cancer therapy 1389-1398页
作者:Zeng MinWu BaibeiWei WenjieJiang ZihanLi PeiqiangQuan YuantingHu Xiaobo
3. Role of maternal–fetal immune tolerance in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy 1399-1406页
·Original Article
4. Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality: An analysis of GLOBOCAN 2022 1407-1413页
5. Survey of hepatitis B virus infection for liver cancer screening in China: A population-based, cross-sectional study 1414-1420页
作者:Xu YongjieXia ChangfaLi HeCao MaomaoYang FanLi QianruCao MengdiChen Wanqing
6. Targeted axillary dissection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for highly selective patients with initial cN1 breast cancer: A single-center prospective trial 1421-1430页
作者:Chen XiuchunLu ZhenduoWang ChengzhengLyu MinhaoQiao JianghuaSun XianfuLi LianfangZhang ChongjianLiu Zhenzhen
7. Prognosis and outcome of intrauterine treatment of fetuses with critical congenital heart disease 1431-1436页
作者:Zhao LiqingWang LeiXia HongpingWu YurongJiao XiantingZhu HongChen SunSun Kun
8. Safety of high-carbohydrate fluid diet 2 h versus overnight fasting before non-emergency endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: A single-blind, multicenter, randomized controlled trial 1437-1446页
作者:Meng WenboLeung Joseph W.Wang ZhenyuLi QiyongZhang LeidaZhang KaiWang XuefengWang MengWang QiShao YingmeiZhang JijunYue PingZhang LeiZhu KexiangZhu XiaoliangZhang HuiHou SenlinCai KailinSun HaoXue PingLiu WeiWang HaipingZhang LiDing SongmingYang ZhiqingZhang MingWeng HaoWu QingyuanChen BendongJiang TieminWang YingkaiZhang LichaoWu KeYang XueWen ZilongLiu ChunMiao LongWang ZhengfengLi JiajiaYan XiaowenWang FangzhaoZhang LingenBai MingzhenMi NingningZhang XianzhuoZhou WenceYuan JinqiuSuzuki AzumiTanaka KiyohitoLiu JiankangNur UlaWeiderpass ElisabeteLi Xun
9. Changes in blood lipid levels and influencing factors among treatment-naïve adult male HlV/AlDS patients following BlC/FTC/TAF vs. 3TC+EFV+TDF 1447-1452页
作者:Wang XiLiu AnLi ZaicunZhang HongweiWu Ruojun EstherShao YingLi JianweiYe JiangzhuLiu WeiSun Lijun
10. Homoharringtonine promotes heart allograft acceptance by enhancing regulatory T cells induction in a mouse model 1453-1464页
作者:Qiu XiaZhang HedongTang ZhouqiFan YuxiYuan WenjiaFeng ChenChen ChaoCui PengchengCui YanQi ZhongquanLi TengfangZhu YuexingXie LimingPeng FenghuaDeng TuoJiang XinPeng LongkaiDai Helong
11. EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer patients harboring CDK4 amplification show favorable response to afatinib: Two case reports 1465-1467页
作者:Zhan ShutingCheng BoLiu XiwenLi JianfuBai GeCai QiWang HuitingXiang YangLi ChunyanHe JianxingLiang Wenhua
12. lmpact of non-canonical ALK fusion on the efficacy of targeted therapy in non-small cell lung cancer 1468-1470页
作者:Zeng HaoWei QiTang YuanZhang YuanyuanTan SihanHuang QinPu XinLi YalunTian Panwen
13. The meta-analyses on effectiveness and safety of colorectal cancer screening 1471-1473页
作者:Li PeiZeng XueyangLiu ZuoxiangYang JichunLi YueyingGao LeZeng HongmeiZhang LinSun Feng
14. Malignant ovarian tumors during pregnancy: Diagnostic evaluation, optimal treatment, and future perspective 1474-1476页
15. Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, a prospective observation cohort with follow-up time over 7 years 1477-1479页
作者:Guo JianbinSong XiaochenLiang ShuoWang YuanYe YangGao QianqianChen JuanZhu Lan
16. Efficacy and safety of bilastine vs. levocetirizine for the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria: A multicenter, double-blind, double-dummy, phase lll, non-inferiority, randomized clinical trial 1480-1482页
作者:Chen XueHan XiupingCheng BoLi HuiLiu LinglingGeng SongmeiLi LinfengLi JieGuo QingZhang GuoyiFang HongZhang Jianzhong
17. Computer-aided diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease based on structural magnetic resonance imaging 1483-1485页
18. Safety and efficacy of a novel responsive neurostimulation system in China for drug-refractory focal epilepsy: The first-in-man study 1486-1488页
作者:Wang KailiangShan YongzhiWei PenghuRen LiankunChen LiangZhu JunmingZhao Guoguang
19. Outcomes in pediatric recipients of single kidney transplantation from pediatric donors with acute kidney injury: A single-center pilot study 1489-1491页
作者:Zhang QiangChen YanxuYu HaiyueLi JunWu ChenglinLong SizheLi PenganFu QianZhang HuanxiSu XiaojunXu BowenLiu LongshanWang Changxi
20. Long-term kidney transplant outcomes in Chinese patients with primary glomerulonephritis: A multicenter study in China 1492-1494页
作者:Xie KenanChen JinsongLiu LongshanWang RendingGao BaoshanHu XiaopengTang XiaotianJin ZhengZhang MingHan YongSong TurenWen JiqiuZhang Jiong
21. Sex-specific impact on disease outcome and the mutational landscape in essential thrombocythemia: A retrospective cohort study 1495-1497页
作者:Chen JiaDong HuanLi YangSun TingFu RongfengLiu XiaofanXue FengLiu WeiChen YunfeiJu MankaiDai XinyueChi YingWang WentianLi HuiyuanYang RenchiZhang Lei
22. Deriving skeletal muscle cells from adipose-derived stem cells: Current differentiation strategies 1498-1500页
作者:Liang WeiHan MengWu HuitingDang WanwenMeng XiaoyuZhen YonghuanAn Yang
23. Potential modifying effect of grip strength on the association between glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and all-cause mortality in older adults with type 2 diabetes: Evidence from UK Biobank 1501-1503页
作者:Lu JingyiWang YaxinShen YunMo YifeiMa XiaojingHu GangZhou Jian
24. Reflections on COPD comorbidities 1504-1506页
作者:He ZhenmingWang YueShan LinMou YanLiu YunhuanMa GuanhuaWu YanxuZhu HuiliCurtis Jeffrey L.Cui ShileiGe Haiyan