共21篇·Concensus Statement
·Review Article
2. Emerging trends in early-onset gastric cancer 2146-2156页
·Original Article
5. Burden of digestive system diseases in China and its provinces during 1990-2019: Results of the 2019 Global Disease Burden Study 2182-2189页
作者:Cheng ZhiyuanWang TingluJiao YunfeiQi JinleiZhang XunZhou SiweiXin LeiWan RongZhou MaigengLi ZhaoshenWang Luowei
7. Development and validation of a nutrition-related genetic-clinical-radiological nomogram associated with behavioral and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease 2202-2212页
作者:Jiang JiweiLiu YaouWang AnxinZhuo ZhizhengShi HanpingZhang XiaoliLi WenyiSun MengfanJiang ShiruiWang YanliZou XinyingZhang YuanJia ZiyanXu Jun
8. Genomic correlates of the response to first-line PD-1 blockade plus chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer 2213-2222页
作者:Jiang TaoChen JianWang HaoweiWu FengyingChen XiaoxiaSu ChunxiaZhang HaipingZhou FeiYang YingZhang JiaoSun HuaiboZhang HenghuiZhou CaicunRen Shengxiang
9. Mental health disparities in people living with human immunodeficiency virus: A cross-sectional study on physician-patient concordance and treatment regimens 2223-2232页
作者:Shi JinchuanZhang ZhongdongZhang JunyanZhang YishuQiu JiatingLiu FangSong DaoyuanMa YanfangZhong LianmeiWang HongxingLiu Xiaolei
·Rapid Report
10. A comprehensive index to evaluate cognitive health at the population scale 2233-2235页
作者:Lu YuanyuanMao FanYin PengChang JieZhao ZhenpingYang KunQin QiZhou MaigengTang Yi
11. Main duct-first approach: A potential expansion of indications for pancreatic enucleation in benign and low-grade malignant lesions 2236-2238页
作者:Wang XingFu XiangChen YonghuaZhang HaoZheng ZhenjiangZhong XiaofeiWang RuiLiu XubaoTan Chunlu
12. Initial clinical evaluation of chest digital tomosynthesis in adult patients with COVID-19 pneumonia 2239-2241页
作者:Li ZhanxiaWu XiuhuaZhang GuobinWu DianliangZhang YunjiaoWang ChengjiZou LuminGu XiaohuaRen Tao
13. Influenza time series prediction models in a megacity from 2010 to 2019: Based on seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average and deep learning hybrid prediction model 2242-2244页
作者:Yang JinYang LiuyangLi GangDu JingMa LibingZhang TingZhang XingxingYang JiaoFeng LuzhaoYang WeizhongWang Chen
14. Allergen immunotherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis allergic to house dust mite: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2245-2247页
作者:You SiyiZhou RuixiYing JunjieLi ShipingSu XiaojuanMu Dezhi
15. Effect of modified biopsy forceps on the diagnosis of malignant biliary strictures: A randomized controlled trial 2248-2250页
16. Burden of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-related cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases from 1990 to 2019 in China and disease burden trend prediction to 2030 2251-2253页
作者:Peng JieyuHuang ShuWang PingLuo RuiZhang WeiShi XiaominShi LeiZhong XiaolinLv MuhanPeng YanTang Xiaowei
17. Development and validation of a predictive nomogram for venous thromboembolism in adult patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation 2254-2256页
作者:Li YounanZhu RongrongZhao JunlaiCao ZhanjiangSong JiyongTang RuiLi AngTong XuanHou YuchengLu QianWu WeiweiDong Jiahong
18. Association of the INSR gene variants with the long-term response to a lifestyle intervention for preventing childhood obesity in Beijing 2257-2259页
作者:Chen JingShan RuiSong JieyunWang HuiXiao WucaiZhou ShuangGao AiyuZhang FangLiu Zheng
19. Obesity paradox in pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic lung diseases 2260-2262页
作者:Wu ChangweiWu WenhuiLuo CijunQiu HonglingWang LanZhao QinhuaGong SugangLi HuitingXu JianHe JingLiu Jinming