1. Epidemiological research, burden, and clinical advances of inflammatory bowel disease in China 1009-1011页
·Consensus Statement
3. Chinese expert consensus on immunotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer with oncogenic driver mutations (2023 edition) 1016-1018页
作者:The Society of Cancer Precision Medicine of Chinese Anti-Cancer AssociationThe Lung Cancer Expert Group of Chinese Medical Association Publishing House
·Review Article
4. Evolving landscape of treatments targeting the microenvironment of liver metastases in non-small cell lung cancer 1019-1032页
作者:Zhu LinglingYu XianzheTang XiaojunHu ChenggongWu LeiLiu YanyangZhou Qinghua
5. Internal m 6A and m 7G RNA modifications in hematopoietic system and acute myeloid leukemia 1033-1043页
6. Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in kidney disease: Insights from the cGAS-STING signaling pathway 1044-1053页
·Meta Analysis
·Original Article
8. Identifying coronary artery bypass grafting patients at high risk for adverse long-term prognosis using serial health-related quality of life assessments 1069-1077页
作者:Wang JunchengLiu HanningYue ChaoYang LimengYang KaiZhao YanRen HuanZhang YingZheng Zhe
9. Intensive blood pressure control on arterial stiffness among older patients with hypertension 1078-1087页
作者:Zhang ShuyuanZhong YixuanWu ShoulingWu HaileiCai JunZhang Weili
10. Functional gastrointestinal disorders, mental health, genetic susceptibility, and incident chronic kidney disease 1088-1094页
作者:Liu MengyiHe PanpanYe ZiliangYang SisiZhang YanjunWu QimengZhou ChunZhang YuanyuanHou Fan FanQin Xianhui
11. Development of a radiomics model to discriminate ammonium urate stones from uric acid stones in vivo: A remedy for the diagnostic pitfall of dual-energy computed tomography 1095-1104页
作者:Zheng JunjiongZhang JieCai JinhuaYao YuhuiLu SihongWu ZhuoCai ZhaoxiTuerxun AierkenBatur JesurHuang JianKong JianqiuLin Tianxin
12. Effects of COL1A1 and SYTL2 on inflammatory cell infiltration and poor extracellular matrix remodeling of the vascular wall in thoracic aortic aneurysm 1105-1114页
作者:Xie XinshengYuan YeHuang YulongHong XiangHong ShichaiChen GangChen YihuiLin YueLu WeifengFu WeiguoWang Lixin
13. Decitabine in combination with idarubicin within a modified busulfan/cyclophosphamide conditioning regimen for patients with advanced myelodysplastic syndrome: A prospective multicenter clinical cohort study 1115-1117页
作者:Cao YigengWang MingyangWang FuxuGuo WenwenMa YueshenLi XiaoyunHe YiPang AimingZhang RongliZhai WeihuaChen XinMa QiaolingWei JialinYang DonglinHuang YongFeng DanLiu JiaGao XinWen ShupengWang WenWang TaoLi YingFang XiaoshengLi YingchunZhang XiaohanCai YunWang YongqiCao WeijieLu RunqingFeng SizhouGuo RongFu YuewenDu XinLiu ZhuogangWang XinWang LingMa LiangmingLiu ChuanfangZhang XuejunHan MingzheJiang Erlie
14. Asymptomatic recurrence in patients with pulmonary embolism 1118-1120页
作者:Hu SongWang LeiTan JiangshanFang WeiMa XinghongGuo TingtingGao XinWu YanZhou YuziWang LiHua Lu
15. Dysbiosis of oral and gut microbiota and its association with metabolites in patients with different degrees of coronary artery stenosis 1121-1123页
作者:Wang ZekunLi LongWang ChenyangWang QianWang FengzhiXu XinZhou Xuedong
16. Epidemiological analysis of the clinicopathologic characteristics, treatment, and prognosis of 2648 jaw cysts in West China 1124-1126页
17. Subjective cognitive decline domain improves accuracy of plasma Aβ 42/Aβ 40 for preclinical Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis: The SILCODE study 1127-1129页
作者:Zhang MingkaiWang XiaoniZhao WeinaLi YuxiaYing ChaoJiang JiehuiCai YanningLu JieHan Ying
18. Preliminary assessment of the data appropriateness of electronic health records for real-world studies: A survey of hospitals in a developing region in China 1130-1131页
作者:Yu YuelinZhuo LinMeng RuoguGuo WanqianChen YuanyuanZhang YunjingChen YingShi HongjingLin ZhiZhan SiyanWang Shengfeng
19. Validation of proposed diagnostic criteria for allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 1132-1134页
作者:Cai RunjinYang YifeiGe HuanChen XuemeiHu XinyueJiang YuanyuanLuo LishaDeng ShuanglinziTang JialeWu ChendongTang HuanGong XiaoxiaoLi XiaozhaoFeng Juntao